Thursday, August 13, 2009

Positive Support

I have learned that when i focus on the positive sides of things, it is easier to get through what feels like the worst, the hardest, and the most hurtful moments. I believe if we all take part in expressing positive encouragement to one another, we can bring positive change in peoples lives. It is very important to feel good about our selves and be proud of who we are and where we come from.
I would like to encourage each one of you to try this every day and practice expressing something positive to anyone who you think is in need of positive words. (Which is ever single person in the world.) In doing this you will be taking a chance and might get negative feed back, but if you don't take a chance you may miss the opportunity to spread positive change. I have been practicing this my self and i know down in my heart that it works. It brings balance to my life, because i get a good feeling that i have instilled positiveness and have hopes that it will spread and bring happiness to someone in need.
Everyone is different but yet we all have feelings, we all hurt, we all cry, we all have problems and when we bleed we all have red blood. No matter what race or culture we come from, we are all one. We are all the same. We are all struggling to get through something. We all have choices.
Right now someone needs you. If you interact with positive support most likely they will see you as the shining light that brought positive change and thinking to them. It could be as simple as a smile. Just go up to them and let them know you are there for them and share some positive feed back, encourage and uplift them. It has made a difference when people i don't know say something positive to me. I know it works and i want you all to know i am here for you if you want to share how you feel and how you want to be seen.